Independiente de qué compañía prefieres, hoy en día es inevitable hacer comparaciones entre las dos compañías líderes en smartphones del mercado occidental.

Sobre esa misma comparación, es que vimos un artículo en cult of android (que más tarde fue borrado, asumimos que por presiones de su agencia de pr) denominado “Why Samsung design sucks in one single image” acompañado de una historia más o menos así:

Want to sum up the difference between Apple and Samsung in a single image?

Don’t look at the logos. Don’t look at the operating systems. Don’t even look at what their respective gadgets look like.

Look at the lines. Look at the symmetry. Because Samsung can’t even get these basicthings right.

Once you start looking closely, even Samsung’s best phones look like they were designed by a kindergartner.

Over at iMore, Rene Ritchie points out something that has been bugging him ever since he got his hands on a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: every single port and button on the device just seems like it was randomly slapped on.

“Recently there was a brouhaha about a Qualcomm sticker junking up the Samsung Galaxy S6 on Verizon. You don’t see a sticker like that on the iPhone 6 or any other iPhone, of course, because Apple cares more about the look of their product than the licensing fees or other considerations refusing it entails. Same with Intel Inside stickers on the Mac.

But when I looked at the picture of Samsung’s product, it wasn’t the sticker that bothered me so much. That, I assume, can be peeled off. It was something else I saw that bothered me, and something I can now never un-see.

It’s the lack of basic alignment.”

A pesar de que yo encontré el post en Cult of Android, las imágenes aún podían encontrarse en iMore, desde donde partió la historia y guarda relación con la poca meticulosidad que hay en Samsung al momento de alinear los componentes de sus teléfonos, resultando esto en equipos que a pesar de que lucen mejor que en la generación anterior, igual tienen esa cosa media “copia china” que tanta gente detesta.



