¿Recuerdan un poco mi post acerca de la experiencia que significó compartir con una blogger de 1.4 millones de seguidores en Instagram?. Básicamente la conclusión era que nada de lo que ves en las fotografías es real y que su vida a pesar de todo lo fantástico que luce en las fotos, era para llorar.

Bien, ese caso claramente no era algo aislado, porque por fin una blogger decidió salir de este “closet” y vivir la vida como siente que debe vivirse, es decir, con la realidad por delante.


Essena O’Neill era una más  de las figuras más famosas de Australia (y el mundo) con cerca de 580.000 seguidores en Instagram, 260 mil suscritos en Youtube y otros 60 mil seguidores en instaurar. Lamentablemente un quiebre emocional  la llevó a reflexionar un montón acerca de su propia vida, y como consecuencia, a borrar más de 2000 fotografías, desactivar su Youtube, Snapchat y a algo casi tanto o más fuerte que lo anterior, y es reescribir todo lo que decía cada una de sus fotos más populares de Instagram.

Esperemos que la cruzada de Essena la lleve por nuevos y más interesantes caminos. Personalmente me agrada mucho este tipo de noticias por las razones que ayer bien expuse. De hecho con esta foto muy claro me lo dejó.

  I have lived through screens for so long. TV, phone, laptop… I wasn’t careful and they controlled me. Even more, I learnt to love the addiction, it was easy to be numbed. Edit: reading through the comments… ? this isn’t about hating technology, it’s about the time spent staring at screens versus being truly present in the real world. Yes I’m using my phone to post it lol but if you curious ones must know, I turned it on for the first time at 9pm last night, posted this, got back to a couple of texts, went to bed. I had such a beautiful day. Morning run with my sister and mum, worked all day on my new site and blog posts, wrote some fiction, went out to a cosy restaurant with live music, came home, turned on my phone for the first time and thought WOW I HAD SUCH A GREAT DAY WITHOUT IT ?✨ this image resonated with me because I so easily can spend hours looking at screens for no real purpose… Wake up, phone for an hour checking social media, get ready, YouTube subscriptions for 30 mins, try to get some stuff done, be checking, posting, scrolling every 30 mins. Come home, watch TV, watch a movie or three, whilst on social media. Have dinner, go to bed, scroll for a couple of hours. I was spending more time talking to people online (my followers included) then being present in my real life. With all of these distractions how can one possibly enjoy real life? We don’t interact like we did when we were children, we are distant and cold. It’s not technology’s fault or social media, it’s all up the individual to get aware with how much time is spent looking down… #LOOKUP   A photo posted by Social Media Is Not Real Life (@essenaoneill) on