La Librería del Estado de Nueva Gales del Sur cuenta entre sus colección con este set de 5 fotografías que corresponden, probablemente, a uno de los estudios fotográficos más hilarantes del siglo XIX: “Five stages of inebriation“.

Dated from period of Pickering’s location at 612 George Street.

The photographs illustrate drunkenness in five stages, played by a male subject in a studio possibly commissioned by a local temperance group for educative purposes, the photographs may also have been used by an engraver for illustrations. The penultimate frame of the drunk in a wheelbarrow resembles S.T. Gill’s watercolour ‘Ease without Opulence’, 1863 (PXC 284/30). In 1866, NSW Premier James Martin introduced the Drunkard’s Punishment Bill — notes by Curator of Photographs, 2007.

The printed studio mark on reverse reads “Photographic Artist. C. Pickering, 612 George Street, near Wilshire’s Buildings, Sydney”.






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