Indivisible es una serie de retratos multiraciales en grafito y carbón hechos por Samantha Wall. De acuerdo a las palabras de la autora, es un estudio nacido para entender su propia etnia dual y captar las sutiles expresiones humanas que trascienden géneros o razas. Trabajar con estas mujeres le permitió sumergirse no solo en su propia raza, sino también en la de otros y en el estudio de movimientos faciales de cada sujeto.
Para Wall esto era especialmente importante porque de acuerdo a la teoría de Paul Eckmann, no importa nuestro origen social, financiero, racial o sexual, ya que ciertas emociones son entendedidas de manera universal a través de la expresión facial. A pesar de ello, Wall estaba interesada en emociones que no pueden ser fácilmente entendidas, como la vergüeza.
My experience navigating multiraciality in Korea, and then the United States serves as the catalyst for my current drawing project. I photograph and interview multiracial women to gather source material and to elicit an interpersonal connection during the process. The exchange of emotions and ideas between the model and myself shapes the outcome of each photo shoot, producing unpredictable and idiosyncratic results. I then comb through hundreds of digital photographs, searching for one that captures more than a portrait. I am searching for an interior and private space; an in-between moment arrested by chance that captures the figure between expression and release. That image becomes the kernel of a drawing and with graphite, charcoal or ink I amplify and enhance its distinctive quality, revealing an affective identity woven from my own emotions and that of the model. Through this work I am exposing the plurality of emotions that sculpt human subjectivity. The drawings of these women are portals into the human psyche, a place where emotions call out and perceived racial boundaries dissolve.