
En plena promoción de Avatar, la actriz hablo sobre Ghostbusters 3 con el canal britanico Channel 4 news diciendo :

“I’m afraid to say it [Ghostbusters 3] is happening, I hope people are excited about that. I don’t know if I’m going to be in it, I have had a couple of calls asking ‘would you read the script. I know that my little son Oscar – who was kidnapped from me – I think he has grown up to be a ghostbuster. I might be in it; I see nothing wrong with being in it, although I don’t think I will have a big part. I think Bill Murray has a little more to do with it – he’s a ghost.”

Con esto ya tenemos nuestro primer Big Spoiler de la pelicula Bill Murray sera un fantasma y tendra un papel importante dentro de la nueva película, ademas que se contara con los actores originales de las dos primeras películas. Lo malo aun no hay una fecha tentativa de estreno